Saturday, July 25, 2009

Venugopal Rao Askribe or Andhra Scribe

This is sent by one the mt who has asked venu about HBT work. Inspite of him telling 2 years he is asking 1,000/- from Mts. Why it is needed to give 1,500/- by the experienced MTs. Here is the link of the document he sends to the mts. And as for the software he is describing you can download it from the site. We do not know who own it but it is useful to MTs.

Just as we told earlier some moderators of the groups are getting email about Hbt work. It is who are the first to know and then distrubuting to Mts with unknown names and then cheating mts of there hard work. Not intended to any person or any group but it is happening and we came to assumption that this is what going on

1 comment:

  1. there is another fraud in MT field.
    Name: Jagadish Chakravarthy
    Company: -r-m-n-r-a
    supporters in cheating: Team and management
