Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Message for Venu

anonymous said...

Venu, I am Janardhan from Pune. Please contact me if possible.

anonymous said...

i am doing my training in askribe under the venu gopal rao he is delaying in my placement. i don't know whether he give the placement or not. please anybody tell about him.



  1. Venu is not delaying placement, he is just escaping. This is not the first time he has done so. To all of his trainees, he does false promises regarding placement and finally he escapes from them. Now you should realize that you have been cheated by him. Not only you, thousands of people are getting cheated by him.

  2. Venu's online cheating(training) program has become very advantageous for him as his trainees will not have interaction between each other. Before, in askribe forum, there was access to the list of members in that forum and one can see who else is joining in that group and who are his trainees. He realized that if they are allowed to know each other, one day they are all going to teach him a big lesson and he has to put an end to his cheating program. So, he made changes such that only moderator(venu) can know about the members and their yahoo IDs. Till now, i never saw a fraud like him. I hope all should be aware of him and do not fall into his traps.
